The real trick isn’t how to stay alive—it’s how to keep their blasted gloves clean in the process.
"An escapade to remember" and "one of the best books I've read this year." - The Independent Book Review.
Christina Rushing, a baroness spy, is no stranger to the dark—her late husband can attest to that. But when she takes an espionage job to make ends meet, she ends up double-crossing an entire nation. What’s worse, the Baron’s name has appeared on an active shipping schedule, though he should be six feet under.
Join Christie and her guns, The Good Baron and Rudy, as she turns from spy to pirate to stop a war and find a dead man in this steampunk Victorian mystery thriller filled with backstabbing colleagues, snotty gentry, hidden caves, blazing guns, poison quills, and the occasional assassin.
Because what's worse? The Baron living or being responsible for his murder?
Amazon and GoodReads Reviews:
". . . fast-paced action, witty dialogue, and the fiercest heroine you could ask for . . ."
". . . a brilliant read! It has a bit of everything - adventure, mystery, romance, and fantastic characters."
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Nominated as Book of the Year by the Independent Book Review!

If you enjoy . . .
. . . dragons (or in this case, Drakonte, their flying snake cousins), fantastical settings, ancient gods, fierce queens, medieval culture, djinn and demons . . . You'll love The Fires of Qaf!
Clean romance lead by strong heroines in daringly fantasty landscapes . . . You'll love The Fires of Qaf!